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The Road Ahead Team offers Therapeutic Monitored Visits!


Many parents and children who are separated or divorcing need help from a neutral third party to facilitate or monitor visitation between a parent and child. This is important, particularly in situations when emotions are running high between parents; in more volatile situations where you may have safety concerns for you or your child; or when continued contact between a parent and their child is upheld and ordered by a judge, and when considering your children's best interest regarding visitation issues.


Q. What makes a good foster parent? 

A. Someone who likes children and enjoys the challenges they present; a person who wants to be a part of the bigger picture and help out their community. Basically, it’s a caring person who can give love to a child who is not their own. 


Q. I work and have two children of my own. Would I be able to foster? 

A. Yes, foster parents can be people who work or stay at home. You just need to be sure you have a back up person to pick up the children before and/or after school, etc. 


Q. I live in an apartment. Can I be a foster parent? 

A. Yes, if you have enough room in your apartment or house and pass all the other requirements you can be a foster parent. State regulations allow only two children to a bedroom and that includes your own children too. 


Q. I am interested in adopting a child. Can you help me? 

A. Yes, The Road Ahead is an adoption and a foster care agency. Firstly, we strive to reunite children with their birth families. However, if that plan does not work out we can assist you with the adoption of your foster child. 


Q. I am a single mom and work full time; can I still be a foster parent? 

A. Yes. It doesn’t matter if you are single or married as long as you have room in your home and pass licensing requirements. You may need to make child-care arrangements for after-school, etc. Foster children cannot stay alone at home. They need to be supervised by an adult who is fingerprinted.


Q. Where do the children who need foster care come from? 

A. Children enter foster are after a court hearing as a result of abuse, neglect abandonment or death in the family. 


Q. What ages are the children in foster care? Can I get the age I want for my home? 

A. We place boys and girls from infancy to seventeen years of age. We try to honor the age and/or gender you feel would work best with your family. 


Q. What happens to brothers and sisters who need foster homes? 

A. In order to prevent the children from experiencing any more unnecessary trauma every effort is made by us to keep siblings together. We are always looking for foster homes that can take more than one child. 


Q. Who pays for the foster child’s medical and dental bills? 

A. All foster children receive Medi-Cal insurance. Our social workers refer our foster parents to appropriate providers for medical, dental and therapeutic health services.  


Yesenia Gutierrez is our expert foster care trainer and recruiter for The Road Ahead Family Services. She works out of our foster family agency at 10200 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 100, Mission Hills, CA 91345 and can be reached by calling (818) 745-2515 or emailing her at

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10200 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 100, Mission Hills, CA 91345

Call us:   818-745-2515

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© 2016 by The Road Ahead Family Services

10200 Sepulveda Blvd. #145
Mission Hills, CA 91345
818-745-2515 Office
818-691-2377 Fax
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